Located in Romania’s Buzau county in the communes of Costesti, Gheraseni, Smeeni, Pogoanele, Luciu, Tintesti, and Cilibia, the VIFOR project site is ideal for wind farm development.
The land is well draining, extremely flat and crossed with existing agricultural roads and tracks. There is also confirmed capacity for grid access in close proximity to the site.
When Rezolv decided to invest in the project in 2022, it was selected for its proximity to the Carpathian Mountains (12km to the north-west), which give rise to higher wind yields. To maximise the potential for power generation, the project will benefit from the latest technology, including best-in-class turbines and high voltage (400 kV) overhead lines, allowing for an economically efficient connection.
The utility-scale project will provide 450MW of renewable power for commercial, industrial and other off-takers across Romania and Central and South Eastern Europe, helping these organisations to access a more secure, stable and clean energy supply.
Ahead of construction, 100% of land rights for the project have been secured through joint-venture agreements with the local authorities of the seven communes where the site is located. We look forward to working closely with the local community through our community investment initiatives.
VIFOR will become one of Romania’s largest generators of onshore wind power and make a significant contribution towards the country’s 2030 EU renewable energy targets. Initial interest from potential off-takers has also been strong.
Construction is currently underway.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports
The primary objective of this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) is to evaluate the potential environmental and social impacts, both positive and negative, associated with the planning, construction, and operation of the Vifor Wind Farm.
This report focuses on assessing the Vifor Wind Farm’s environmental and social performance in alignment with the following key requirements:
- EBRD Performance Requirements (PR) for 2019, as outlined in the EBRD's Environmental and Social Policy.
- IFC International Financing Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PS) from 2012, which encompass the IFC Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Wind Energy (2015), IFC Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (2007), and associated World Bank General Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines from 2007.
- EU Law and Regulations pertinent to the Vifor Wind Farm, including, but not limited to, the EU EIA.
Raport de evaluare a impactului social și de mediu
Obiectivul principal al acestei evaluări a impactului social și de mediu (ESIA) este de a evalua impactul potențial social și de mediu, atât pozitiv, cât și negativ, asociat cu planificarea, construcția și exploatarea parcului eolian Vifor.
Acest raport se concentrează pe evaluarea performanței sociale și de mediu a parcului eolian Vifor, în conformitate cu următoarele cerințe cheie:
- Cerințele de performanță (CP) ale EBRD pentru anul 2019, așa cum sunt
prezentate în Politica socială și de mediu a EBRD. - Standardele de performanță (SP) ale IFC International Financing Corporation (IFC)
din 2012, care cuprind Ghidul IFC privind Mediul, Sănătatea și Siguranța pentru
Energia Eoliană (2015), Ghidul IFC privind Mediul, Sănătatea și Siguranța pentru
Transportul și Distribuția Energiei Electrice (2007) și Ghidul de Mediu, Sănătate și
Siguranță (EHS) al Băncii Mondiale din 2007. - Legislația și reglementările UE referitoare la parcul eolian Vifor, inclusiv, dar fără a
se limita la, EIA UE.
Appendix E Critical Habitat Assessment Report
Appendix F Collision Risk Modelling
Attachment 2 Commitments Register ESMP